Few property owners around the world do not have to deal with the constant potential risk of termite damage to their homes or buildings. Termites find their way into facilities and houses to eat away at the cellulose in wooden boards, creating galleries of termite tunnels that ultimately weaken the structural integrity of the building. There are multiple signs to look for when keeping an eye out for termites. But a few key signs can shed some light on the severity of the termite infestation if you know what top 3 signs to look for. Piles of termite excrement, known as frass, clicking sounds at night, and the presence of hundred of winged swarmer termites marching across your floor should put you on high alert that your home has a serious termite infestation.
Look for piles of wood pellets on the floor
As termites munch away at your home, they produce large piles of excrement that resemble sawdust. These piles are called frass and you may look for them underneath windows, below wall hangings, or directly beneath light fixtures. As the termite tunnels become full of chewed up and biologically processed cellulose, the termites make little holes in your walls and ceiling to push the frass out of their home and into your’s.
Listen for sounds at night
Another sign that tells you that your home is suffering from a serious termite infestation is by the sounds at night that are not coming from outside, but from your very own walls. Termites are constantly at work through day and night, but only when the house is quiet, can you pick up the sound. Termites can make a few different kinds of sounds but the most audible is when they bang their heads against the walls of their tunnels. They do this to alert others of danger and it can sound like a quick rattling sound. Two reasons can make this head banging sound louder and more easily heard by the human ear and both are not good news for you. One reason is that the infestation is so large, that the sheer number of termites banging their heads causes it to be heard. The second cause comes from the fact that the wood has been so eaten away that the spaces left allow the sound to seem louder when bounced around a hollow cavity in the wood.
Swarmers pouring out of the walls
In the spring, a termite colony will produce swarmer termites who will fly off in search of more homes to destroy with new termite infestations. The swarmers will spill out of a hole in the wall into the interior of your house. If you are home during the swarm, you will definitely be aware of the termites covering your floor and walls. Be sure to locate exactly where the termites are coming from so you can tell your trusted exterminator when they arrive. Likely, the swarm will be over by the time the exterminator is able to come to your home.
If you see any of these top 3 signs that your home has a serious termite infestation, do not hesitate to call a pest control professional to immediately begin treating your property for termites. After eradicating the termites, a wood repair specialist can be sent in to lay out all your options for repairing your home. For those in San Diego County, get in touch with Nixtermite for professional help to not only eradicate the pests from your home, but they can also repair any damage created by termites.