A termite queen can lay millions of eggs in her lifetime. She is not only responsible for the amount of termites in her colony, but multiple new colonies break off and go to new places to infest as well. Termites can get out of hand quickly and need to be stopped before they destroy key load bearing beams that can leave your home in shambles if eaten and weakened by termites. You can learn the signs of termites and be vigilantly on the lookout, which can be very helpful, but if you do not want to be surprised by the amount of damage termites can do to your home, scheduling a routine inspection is the best way to keep your home safe from termites.
Hiring an experienced pro
To set up an initial termite inspection, all you need to do is make a phone call and a pro will soon come to your home to give your property a thorough inspection. The interior of your home will be looked over and special attention will be given to places that termites tend to congregate around such as leaky faucets, bathrooms, and near places where the roof is damaged, allowing drips of water in during a rain. When you hire an experienced professional, you get years worth of tried and true methods and know-how that give your home a thorough inspection. All termites found in your home will be located and eventually exterminated. With decades of experience eliminating termites, you can get all the benefits of knowing that no termite will escape the eye of an experienced, thorough termite inspector.
When should I have my home inspected?
While termite activity varies throughout the different seasons, there is no wrong time to have your home inspected for termites. The warm summer heat causes termites to ramp up expanding their colony and the queen will begin to lay more eggs than she does in cold months.
Termites are always eating away at your home. But in winter, they are a little slower than they are in warmer months. Both summer and winter, though activity is different, are excellent times to have a termite inspection.
When it comes to having a termite inspection, the season does not matter nearly as much as how often you have an inspection scheduled. In places with moderate termite activity, a yearly inspection can be enough. But in La Mesa, CA, termites activity is at its highest. Having an inspection twice a year or even quarterly is recommended to ensure that your home does not become termite food.
Your home will be inspected inside and out to check for signs and traces of termites. An experienced termite pro will thoroughly inspect your home and you will have confidence that if any infestation is discovered, it will be quickly eliminated.
What happens if termite damage is discovered?
If the technician discovers termites and they have caused damage, you will need to get an estimate on how much repairs will cost. In La Mesa, if you hire Nixtermite to inspect your home for termites, a repair specialist will be called in to give you a competitive quote on the damage, saving you a phone call and extra time hunting down a repairman. For the best termite inspections in La Mesa, CA, give Nixtermite a call today.